Frequently Asked Questions


Uploading files is simple! Once an approved Artist you will have an upload button when logged in.

Uploading is a 2 step process, first attach your RGB jpg preview (at least 1000px in width or height), then attach your EPS file, it must be in a folder and zipped before you upload it.

Hit upload - the file will begin transferring, once saved step 2 will load.

If your EPS file is called “Red Apple.ZIP” the system will auto load the name “Red Apple” into the name and description field - if your preview file contains IPTC/XMP Metadata we will extract the Document Title, Description & Keywords, you can edit these as you wish once loaded.

Make sure to add as many key words (60 max) and select at least 1 category for each file.

A fully automated FTP option is available for Artists with 100+ files to upload - We just need an EPS file and a high-res JPG for each vector, please email robot@vectorstock.com for an account login.