Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Fair Use Policy?

Our Fair Use Policy is designed to ensure all our subscribers can enjoy high-quality, uninterrupted access to our extensive library of stock images. While our Subscription plan offers “unlimited” downloads, this is subject to a reasonable use limit to prevent abuse and ensure our systems remain robust and responsive for all users.

What are the limits?

Under the Fair Use Policy, each subscriber is limited to downloading a maximum of 100 vector images per day. This limit has been chosen to accommodate the needs of the vast majority of our users, from casual browsers to professional designers, ensuring everyone can access the vector images they need when they need them.

Why do we have this policy?

There are several reasons for implementing a Fair Use Policy:

  • System Integrity: High volumes of downloads by individual users can strain our servers, potentially affecting service quality for all users. This policy helps maintain optimal performance and reliability.
  • Abuse Prevention: The policy is in place to prevent the misuse of our service, such as mass downloading for redistribution or resale, which is against our Content License Agreement.
  • Equitable Access: By setting a reasonable limit, we ensure all subscribers have equal access to our resources, preventing the system from being monopolised by a few users.

What happens if I reach the limit?

If you reach the 100-image daily limit, you will be temporarily unable to download additional images until the next day. If you find yourself needing more downloads a day, please contact our support team.

Fair Access for All

Our goal is to provide all our subscribers with the best possible service and access to our image library. Our Fair Use Policy is an essential part of achieving this goal, ensuring that all users can enjoy uninterrupted access to the resources they need.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our support team.

Last updated: 19th March 2024